How we do it
Mystery shopping
Our mystery shoppers are clearly briefed and trained. They know what they are looking for and how best to capture and report on the customer experience.
We design the questionnaires to make sure that they capture customer standards but also the overall visitor experience, generating both quantitative and qualitative feedback. Our clients appreciate the direct quotes from mystery visitors, which explain in more detail what was good, and not so good, about a visitor experience.
Our mystery shoppers encompass all customer types. They will visit as part of a family group or with other adults. If you want to understand if your organisation meets the needs of people with disabilities, then we will send a person with a disability in order to capture that experience.
On-the-spot feedback with the mystery visitor talking through with key personnel, such as a Duty Manager, what they have experienced on the day.
Our reports will include RAG tables (Red, Amber, Green) clearly highlighting areas of concern (highlighted in red), for development (highlighted in amber) and where customer standards are being met (highlighted in green).
Where appropriate, our reports will include photographs and/or screenshots from your website to accompany the mystery visitor’s feedback. We can also provide video feedback from the mystery visitor which is filmed immediately following the visit. Our reports are easy to digest and disseminate, with key findings clearly presented and interpreted with reference to your own customer standards.