Case study: Age Scotland’s Big Survey
Age Scotland is the leading charity representing older people in Scotland and supporting their rights and interests. Its vision is ‘a Scotland where everyone can love later life’.
Scotinform has been working with Age Scotland for several years consulting with older people in Scotland through both quantitative and qualitative research. In February 2021 Age Scotland launched the Big Survey and invited people aged 50+ across Scotland to provide feedback on the issues and challenges they face and identify where change is needed. The first Big Survey included questions on health and wellbeing, housing, ageism, representation of older people in the media and the impact of Covid-19. Two years on in 2023, the Big Survey was repeated and once again consulted with older people about the issues which matter most to them.
The findings from The Big Survey help Age Scotland to prioritise its campaigns and help shape its media and policy development, and influencing work.
The methodology adopted in 2021 worked well and was repeated in 2023. It was important that the Big Survey was accessible to older people in different formats. A survey available to complete online and on paper provided the opportunity for recipients to complete the Big Survey in the way that best suited them.
The paper survey was printed in booklet format, using an accessible font size and accompanied by a freepost envelope ensuring that the recipient did not incur postal charges when returning their completed survey to Scotinform.
The survey was distributed through Age Scotland’s networks, and the general public, and in 2021 a total of approximately 3,500 completed responses were received with 50% submitted online and 50% using the paper format. In 2023 4,167 responses were received with 34% completed on paper and the balance of 66% completed online.
The final reports in 2021 and 2023 were shared with key stakeholders including the Scottish Government and an Executive Summary was shared with older people who completed the Big Survey and via the Age Scotland website.
The data is regularly used by Age Scotland to generate or provide added insight to numerous news stories on the issues faced by older people identified within the report.
Data and information from The Big Survey has also contributed to a wide range of policy consultations undertaken by the Scottish Government, Scottish Parliament and other agencies which the charity has responded to, and briefings for parliamentary debates.
Scottish Government ministers and officials have recognised The Big Survey as a valuable source of rich information about the lives of older people in Scotland.
It has also been incredibly valuable to the charity internally as it reviews and sets its strategic objectives, using the data to identify the unmet needs of older people.
“The Parliament… believes that this new and extensive research ultimately provides a real-world sample of people over 50 and a snapshot of what it is like to be an older person living in Scotland today;.”
Motion to the Scottish Parliament, September 2021
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